Thursday, September 2, 2010

*Greatest Movie Intro EVER*

I finally figured out how to embed a video directly- so here it is- the little frog that taught me so much about love, beauty and the power of a good interview. There's magic in this melody, charms in the lyrics. The first few meaures could always get me flying into the room as a child, falling to the floor with a blanket to watch Kermie. The aerial decent into the swamp was something humbling and exciting for my little human mind, this was my home, my swamp, but here little creatures played the banjo and stargazed too.
All movies should begin with an intro like this-especially children's movies. Hook in the young philosophers too damp with youth to know thine selves. Thanks Mr. Hensen, Kermit.

Jason Mraz and Sarah McLachlan offer amazing covers-check them out....happy sky gazing